Campaign to elect Lindblad to City Council begins!

Click here to take me to Lindblad For City Council 2015’s campaign page on wordpress to make a donation!

We are having our organizational meeting at Cocos 13733 Roscoe Boulevard, Panorama City, CA 91402, Tuesday, at 6:00 PM. Plan on attending and invite your contacts who may be able to circulate petitions and gather voter signatures for our ballot access.

For Immediate Release:
Jack Lindblad, award-winning architect, author, community activist, Neighborhood Councilmember, political economist, originator of the “Green New Deal,” declares intent to make a bid for Los Angeles City Council District 2 seat, raising, spending funds, and beginning this morning until December 3, 2014, collecting 2000 voter signatures on nominating petitions to gain ballot status.

Nominating signature circulators are sought to collect District registered voter signatures for the gathering period from November 8 to December 3, 2014. Matching fund qualification requires additional, unique signatures and donors.

“Delivering environmental and social justice for all residents in Council District 2 with a number of ongoing public policy initiatives, whether it’s light rail on Van Nuys Boulevard, recharging, cleaning up our contaminated aquifer relocalizing our water supply in 2000 year drought conditions, providing living wages, sustainable and affordable housing and jobs, the Peoples needs are not part of the current electeds concerns. We are here to stop the insider elitist crony nimby manipulation of the commons,” Candidate Lindblad explains.

“We are engaging the 99% to sign petitions, gaining ballot access for our voice of humanity, to overthrow the duopolist oligarchy everywhere, but not limited to metro stations, neighborhood councils, bus stops, libraries, post offices, parks, door-to-door, farmers markets, colleges…” says Jack Lindblad.

“Our campaign will agree to accept public matching funds. Though to comply, we must raise $25,000 in amounts not exceeding $250 per individual person, with 200 donations of $5, attain 1000 or more valid nominating signatures, and agree to conditional expenditure limits of $489,000 in the primary and $408,000 in the general election,” Lindblad continues.

Learn more of our policy initiatives, campaign issues, how to donate and volunteer to pitch in and deny the well-provided for incumbent 50% of the vote, to win the March 3, 2015 Primary election for us to proceed to win the June 2, 2015 General City-wide Election. Visit us here:

Like us on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/lindbladpolicyinitiatives


Apathetic Electorate votes against their own interest

With political campaign as context, dozens of public policy initiatives advanced by Jack Lindblad’s Campaign for California State Senate’s 18th District comprising over 23 communities of the East San Fernando Valley  are archived here.

Lindblad’s policy initiatives provides a glimpse of a positive scenario had not been for only 11 out of 81 eligible voters turning out at the polling believing false promises made the sociopathic neocon and neoliberal duopolist monied candidates representing the corporatist-driven Extinction of every living thing on even today, an unrecognizable planet known as Earth. To describe that planet’s present and deteriorating conditions suitable for habitation, we call Earth’s present state eAArth.

Such an abysmal voter disinterest and apathy reflects current failure and collapse of US democracy. An oligarchical tyranny is the accurate descriptor of political governance ruling the US today.